Mine it carefully, as contact with the blocks causes you to burn and die rather quickly. Meteorites can drop after a Shadow Orb or Crimson Heart (in Corrupt Biomes) are destroyed with a hammer. Nightmare/Deathbringer Pickaxe is needed.
#Titanium or mythril anvil full
Maybe you'd have an easier time getting to Gold/Platnium Armor, initiating Hard Mode, then doing this, but know that players can jump straight to a full set of Adamantite armor upon starting hard by simply Fishing! Don't flame me for not liking methods like this myself, I do want people to be aware of the usefulness. You can fish up crates and save them for Hard Mode, those crates will then contain Hard Mode ores. Fishing is quite powerful right now, and to the point that it is something I will not pursue. There are two other methods - blowing things up with bombs/dynamite (covered below), which can be costly unless you're just saving those you find, and Fishing (PC, but soon on Console (hopefully)). there are even Fishing & Crate Potions to speed this process up! fish, but also crates, crates produce ore and bars. Do what you want in Terraria and have a good time while you're at it. Those things aside, you may like the sound of a drill or find it 'cool'. The knockback of pickaxes can also keep enemies off you while you work. It can be boosted further with the Agile/Light prefix through reforging, and accessories with melee speed will affect a Pickaxe. Use what you want, but the Pickaxe is just faster because of this.
#Titanium or mythril anvil Pc
You can use a Pickaxe or Drill to mine, but the Pickaxe is arguably better - particularly for PC players who have access to Mining Potions. Mining Methods: Pickaxe or Drill? Or Neither! I will link to other guides that may help a struggling player while showing examples of where ore can be found in the Terraria world. Some metals are not gained by mining, but we get to them through this process. It is the primary means of improving your gear early in the game and will allow you to progress deeper into the world, earn coins, and engage more challenging bosses. Mining is a key aspect of the gameplay in Terraria. This inspired me to make my own guide and describe the process of finding good ore to mine. I wasted way, way too much time digging in the surface and underground. When I was a new player and searching for whether depth mattered for ore, I read some dated information from early in Terraria's development and thought it true. Terraria Mining Guide Ore Types, Mining Tips, and the Depth Factor Mining Chlorophyte and Titanium Ore in Terraria's Jungle with a Spelunker and Shine Potion to assist in finding the metals.