It was about half-past two on a day that had never really got light. “This afternoon I walked through the city, making for a café where I was to meet Raphael. But, supposing for a moment that a lesser mind existed, why would I want to control it?” Well, to begin with there are no lesser minds there are only him and me and we both have keen and lively intellects. For example: he says that we will have the power to control lesser minds. I realised that the Other’s description of the powers that the Knowledge will grant has always made me uneasy. The House is valuable because it is the House. The sight of the One-Hundred-and-Ninety-Second Western Hall in the Moonlight made me see how ridiculous that is.

I realised that the search for the Knowledge has encouraged us to think of the House as if it were a sort of riddle to be unravelled, a text to be interpreted, and that if ever we discover the Knowledge, then it will be as if the Value has been wrested from the House and all that remains will be mere scenery. When I tried to retrace those steps my mind kept returning to the image of the One-Hundred-and-Ninety-Second Western Hall in the Moonlight, to its Beauty, to its deep sense of Calm, to the reverent looks on the Faces of the Statues as they turned (or seemed to turn) towards the Moon. What I mean by this is that I knew it to be true before I understood why or what steps had led me there. This realisation – the realisation of the Insignificance of the Knowledge – came to me in the form of a Revelation.

I did not intend to waste my time looking for it any more. Equally I thought that it was possible it did not. I thought it was possible that the Knowledge existed. I realised that I no longer believed in it.

“As I walked, I was thinking about the Great and Secret Knowledge, which the Other says will grant us strange new powers.